Today was a major plus of a day with a giant FREE score off of Craigslist. I have been dying to try my hand at an upholstery project. Although I was a little hesitant to rip one of our chairs apart, I have no fear of waging war on someone else's cast off chair! The real problem here is deciding what fabric I want to reupholster this fabulous Queen Anne wingback beaut in. The current sad state is a very worn mauve (shudder) chenille sort of fabric. I am currently obsessed with Ikat fabrics, but I am not willing to spend the money on an experiment. If I were a reupholstering ninja then perhaps I would splurge a little. I have found a very cute jacquard print that at $6.98 a yard is a do-able option for this experiment. I am estimating 7 yards of fabric for this particular chair as well as some additional batting to give the seat a little extra life. Our living room has been calling out for an arm chair to balance out the sectional we just purchased and this may be it.
Bottom line, the "free" section of Craigslist is often a long list of junk, but once in a while you can find some pretty great treasures on there. Check out your local free listing whenever you are starting a new project that requires you to tread in uncharted territories. Some other things to keep your eyes out for in this delicious little secret on Craigslist are old lamps that can be spray painted or wrapped in jute, old clothes to be made into throw pillows to breathe new life into your living room set or perhaps something that can be grouped in bell jars for display like old keys or buttons. You will be amazed at the options and even more amazed at how willing you are to stretch out of your comfort zone and try something new. Like reupholstering! So stay tuned for my play by play adventure with this chair!
four things | nineteen
1 day ago
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